How to make embeddable micro-flipbooks (single topic example) for embedding in bookdown HTML in e-books
Start with picking a topic or function you want to teach.
Draft, on paper, a rough outline of the topic and the examples you want to show, building in complexity.
Open the mini-flipbooks project in RStudio. You can fork this from if you would like.
Open a new file - File/New/Rmarkdown/From Template/Ninja Themed Presentation
(Note: it is often easiest to open a working example, like across_microflip_1 - this will include YAML edits, setup packages, etc., and Save As.. to the name of your new micro-flipbook)
Then give it a name, like
function-name_microflip_#_topic.Rmd (increment # for each additional example)
Then delete everything from line 30 - line 576 if you are using the Ninja template.
ratio: 16:9
and delete options(htmltools.dir.version = FALSE)
Then Add
or other data sourceFor a consistent style, I use:
primary_color = "#00274C",
secondary_color = "#FFCB05",
header_font_google = google_font("Lato"),
text_font_google = google_font("Manrope"),
code_font_google = google_font("Roboto Mono"),
base_font_size = "20px",
code_font_size = "2rem",
You can copy and paste this style, or
you can make your own version.
3 hashtags - title line on slide
4 hashtags - subhead text
Also add body text to explain what you are going to be showing.
Show the syntax and arguments
then add a divider to start a new slide with 3 horizontal dashes on a single line.
This next slide will be your flipbook slide
give it a name, like ttest1
use the option include = FALSE
add lots of explanatory comments
# start with data
prostate %>%
# apply t_test from infer
# with correct arguments
t_test(TVol ~ AA,
order = c("0", "1"))
# Interpreting the output:
# The t statistic is first
# followed by degrees of freedom
# then the p value
# the default alternative: two.sided
# then the confidence bounds
# output is a tibble so that it is
# easy to use these results
Note that explanatory material is put in comments with a hashtag - can be in-between code lines, or at the end
Then reveal your code line by line with inline r code using the chunk_reveal
break_type = "auto",
title = "Tidy version from the {infer} package")`
Note that this references the name of the chunk above,
sets the break_type to “auto” (there are lots of other options), and
gives the microflipbook slide itself a title.
Then (if you want more explanatory material) insert a new slide by adding 3 dashes alone on a single line
Add the explanatory text with Rmd formatting.
Then (if desired) add a css chunk (example below) to adjust your code font - can adjust line height or font size.
This css chunk does not have to be on a separate slide
.remark-code{line-height: 1.5; font-size: 80%}
To clarify that your student has reached the end of the flipbook, you can add a comment line, like ### THE END
or even a divider line
With 3 dashes ---
to create a new slide with #THE END
For attribution, please cite this work as
Higgins (2020, Oct. 14). Medical R: micro-flipbooks. Retrieved from
BibTeX citation
@misc{higgins2020micro-flipbooks, author = {Higgins, Peter}, title = {Medical R: micro-flipbooks}, url = {}, year = {2020} }