Deidentified Results of COVID-19 testing at the Children's Hospital of Pennsylvania (CHOP) in 2020
A dataset containing details of SARS-CoV-2 testing in 2020 at CHOP
A data frame with 15524 observations and 17 variables
- subject_id
id number for each subject; type: numeric
- fake_first_name
an auto-generated fake first name; type: character
- fake_last_name
an auto-generated fake last name; character
- gender
anonymized Gender, levels: female, male; type: character
- pan_day
day after start of pandemic; type: numeric
- test_id
test that was performed, levels: covid, xcvd1; type: character
- clinic_name
Clinic or ward where the specimen was collected, 88 levels; type: character
- result
result of test, levels: positive, negative, invalid; type: character
- demo_group
patient group, levels: patient, misc_adult, client, other adult, unidentified; type: character
- age
Age of subject at time of specimen collection (Anonymized), units = years; type: numeric
- drive_thru_ind
Whether the specimen was collected via a drive-thru site, levels: 1: Collected at drive-thru site; 0: Not collected at drive-thru site; type: numeric
- ct_result
Cycle at which threshold reached during PCR, range: 14.05-45; type: numeric
- orderset
Whether an order set was used for test order, levels: 1: Collected via orderset; 0: Not collected via orderset; numeric
- payor_group
Payor associated with order, levels: commercial, government, unassigned, medical assistance, self pay, charity care, other; type: character
- patient_class
Disposition of subject at time of collection, levels: inpatient, emergency, observation, recurring outpatient, outpatient, not applicable, day surgery, admit after surgery-obs, admit after surgery-ip; type: character
- col_rec_tat
Time elapsed between collect time and receive time, range: 0 - 61370.2, units = hours; type: numeric
- rec_ver_tat
Time elapsed between receive time and verification time, range: -18.6 - 218.2, units = hours; type: numeric
This data set is from Amrom E. Obstfeld, who de-identified data on COVID-19 testing during 2020 at CHOP (Children's Hospital of Pennsylvania). This data set contains data concerning testing for SARS-CoV2 via PCR as well as associated metadata. These data have been anonymized, time-shifted, and permuted.